The PayoutPartner onboarding flow

Onboarding new employees and recruiting new talent are critical processes for any organization, and they require careful attention to detail.

Let PayoutPartner help you make the process as smooth as possible.

pop onboarding

Why use the onboarding flow

In both onboarding and recruitment, it is essential to not only verify a candidate’s identity, but also performing background checks to confirm the suitability of the candidate for the organization.

Background checks can include a variety of different types of checks, including criminal record checks, employment history checks, reference checks, and education verification. Each of these checks provides valuable information about the candidate's background and can help to ensure that the organization is making a well-informed hiring decision.

For onboarding, once the background checks are complete, the process typically involves providing the new employee with information about the organization's policies, procedures, and expectations. Incorporating e-learning and e-signatures into the onboarding process can significantly streamline the process. Having both tools integrated into a single platform makes things a lot easier.

Why PayoutPartner?

When recruiting candidates, you may want to have the option of filtering based on certain criteria. Perhaps you want the candidate to have an address in the geographical area that they will be working, or you want them to have an electric car when making deliveries in the city centre. The PayoutPartner onboarding flow makes it possible to use Q&A as a filter, to make sure the candidate meets the base criteria for applying to your company.

Our platform also provides you with a dashboard where you can track all candidates and their activity, as well as send reminders. Companies that receive a large number of applications have saved considerable time and avoided potential obstacles by using our filtering and checking flow.

There are two options available to implement the onboarding and recruitment flow in your business, both of which can be fully customized with your company's branding to ensure a seamless and professional experience for your new hires or candidates.

With the first option, you can integrate the flow directly into your company's website or intranet with our iframe, making it easily accessible for all new employees or candidates.

The second option is to use a standalone platform like PayoutPartner, which provides a user-friendly interface for both the company and the new hire or candidate, along with additional features like analytics and reporting.

Example of what the onboarding flow could look like for your candidates:

Your dashboard for easy overview of candidates and their activity

We are excited to introduce you to our new onboarding dashboard, designed to provide you with a clear and organized overview of the onboarding process for candidates applying to work for you.

Our dashboard allows you to easily track the progress of each candidate and see whether they have completed the onboarding process, answered the Q&A correctly, and passed the necessary checks. This valuable information helps you keep track of your candidates' progress and ensure that they are meeting the necessary requirements to be considered for the job.

How to implement the iframe (for developers):

  1. Open the HTML file or document where you want to add the iframe.
  2. PayoutPartner provides you the source URL with the onboarding flow that you want to display in the iframe. (The URL is custom made from our end based on your needs and branding)
  3. Add an <iframe> tag in the HTML code where you want the iframe to appear. The <iframe> tag has several attributes you can set, including the source URL, height, width, and frameborder.
  4. Set the source URL attribute to the specific URL we provide you.
  5. Set the height and width attributes to specify the dimensions of the iframe.
  6. Set the frameborder attribute to 0 if you don't want to display a border around the iframe.
  7. Save the HTML file and preview it in a web browser to make sure the iframe is displaying correctly.

Here's an example of what the HTML code for PayoutPartner’s iframe looks like:

<iframe src="" height="400" width="600" frameborder="0"></iframe>

You’ll need to sign up for our enterprise plan before the iframe will work. In this example, the iframe will display the website at "" with a height of 400 pixels and a width of 600 pixels, and without a border.

Test the onboarding flow with our demo

This is our demo of how your checks and Q&A could look for your candidates.