Send an invoice as a private person on 1-2-3!

Basically, only people who have registered a business and who have been given an organization number can invoice others. The reason is that the state has strict rules for reporting income and taxes, which therefore regulate the purchase and sale of products and services.
🤔 Is it possible?
Yes! Not only is it possible, but it is also easier to invoice as a private person than as a business. And the reason is simple. When you have to invoice someone privately, it is PayoutPartner AS that invoices on your behalf. And the money is paid to you as salary straight into your account. Taxed and ready to use.
👍 What is the advantage?
- You don't need to set up a company — with all the paperwork, accounting and follow-up that comes with it.
- We handle all reporting to the authorities We pay all necessary taxes to the authorities.
- This means value added tax (VAT), imposed employer's tax and your payroll tax.
- You get the money straight into your account, fully taxed and ready to use.
🧾 Invoicing as a private person and tax
When you invoice via us, all taxes and fees are paid before you are paid the money as salary. In your tax return, it will appear that you have received a salary from PayoutPartner AS. This is because we are the ones who have invoiced on your behalf and pay you the salary.
🔢 Invoicing without an organization number
Only companies that are registered in the Brønnøysund registers and that have been assigned an organization number are allowed to issue invoices. So when you invoice through us, it is PayoutPartner AS with our organization number, which invoices on your behalf for the work you have done. You will be paid the amount as a net salary, with all public taxes and fees as well as your salary tax paid. The money is thus ready for use and you don't have to worry about further paperwork.
That way you also avoid registering your own company in Brønnøysund with all the extra work and follow-up this requires..
🏷️ What does it cost?
An account with us is completely free to have. The invoicing software is also completely free.
You only pay a fee per invoice of 4.9% of the invoiced amount for us to handle everything until you get the money paid into your account. (Incidentally, this fee is the lowest in the industry.)
💡 This is how you proceed!
It is very easy to invoice as a private person with PayoutPartner: Register a free account
- Go to the menu and select Invoices and Select Payment Profile. Select Salary and enter your account number where you wish to have the money transferred.
- Create New Invoice
- Enter recipient - i.e. the person to be invoiced.
- Enter the type of assignment you have carried out so that the person concerned understands what the invoice refers to.
- Send invoice
Plain and simple! Then all you have to do is sit back and wait for the money to arrive in your account.
What happens in the background is that we check the invoice, hang up VAT (which goes to the state) and passes it on to the recipient. The sender is AS - with a description of what the invoice applies to. When the money is paid into our account from the person being invoiced, we will pay out the money as net salary. That is invoiced amount minus all taxes and duties.
How soon will I get the money?
As soon as we receive the money from the invoice recipient, you will have the net salary transferred to your account.