Topic: Invoicing and wages

What are the requirements for invoices?

The editors26.11.2024
man invoicing

If you are not used to sending invoices yourself, the process can feel overwhelming and complicated. Still, it doesn't have to be more complicated than necessary.

With PayoutPartner's intuitive invoicing service, anyone can send an invoice, simply! Below we have gathered information about what should be included in an invoice, so that it will be even easier for you.

✅ What are the requirements for an invoice?

The Accounting Act sets certain requirements for invoicing. Below you will find an overview of these.

Invoice number: All individual invoices must have an invoice number that does not repeat itself and is verifiable. This means that two separate invoices cannot have the same number, and there must be a continuous series of numbers. You only need to choose the first number, such as 1001, and PayoutPartner automatically creates a continuous series of numbers for you. Then the next invoices will look like this: 1002, 1003, 1004, etc.

Invoice date: The date the invoice was created (note that this is not the same as the date you performed the service or sold the product).

The person/company's name and organization number: Your name, or the name of your business that sends the invoice. Remember that if the company is registered in the VAT register, the organization number must have VAT at the end.

Buyer's name, address or organization number: The name and address, or organization number, of the person who will receive the invoice. There are exceptions to this rule, for example in the case of cash sales to private individuals.

Description of the product/service being sold: For example, in the case of a translation job, what kind of document was involved.

Quantity/scope of the product / service being sold: For example, the number of words, if it concerned a translation.

Price of the item sold, with the correct VAT rate: Only enter the VAT rate if your company is registered in the VAT register, and in that case ensure that it is correct rate

Due date: Deadline for when the invoice must be paid. You choose how long you want, but it is usual to have a minimum of 14 days.

📋 What happens if I am missing some of this in my invoice?

When you create an invoice through PayoutPartner, you will automatically be notified if you have forgotten to fill in a required field, and will not be able to proceed in the process until all required fields have been filled in.

At PayoutPartner you can choose whether you want to invoicing with company or invoicing without a company . If you invoice without a company, you will be paid freelance salary with tax deductions . When you receive salary after tax, the payment goes through PayoutPartner, where we take care of tax deductions and reporting. In this case, because the payment goes through us, we will also go through the invoice manually before sending it to the customer, so you can be extra sure that everything is correct before the customer receives it.

You send the invoice in PDF format free of charge by e-mail from the platform. Do you want to send in EHF format , we charge NOK 5 per invoice, because it costs us to send

Create an account on our platform and send an invoice today!🤩